Could Dual-Screening be the customer event superpower you've been overlooking?
MARCH, 1 / 2021
With 68% of audience members searching for more information on what you are saying, as you say it, opportunities abound for generating deeper customer engagement and capturing new content and audience insight.

For years, smartphone use during meetings has been seriously frowned upon. We understand the theory of why. As a host, it's hard to tell if your audience is engaging, or just distracted, without knowing exactly what it is they're scrolling through.

But things are changing, and we now know dual-screening can present a powerful engagement opportunity. Customer engagement apps are huge right now and rightly so, as we embrace virtual and hybrid events. Mentimeter CEO Johnny Warstrӧm recently stated that by encouraging smartphone use to engage your audience you can "turn a passive audience into active contributors", which can only be a good thing. Something you wouldn't achieve if everyone's phones were out of reach.
The Power of Dual-Screening
Research has shown that 68% of people dual-screening are searching for more information on what is being presented to them. Consider the reach your content could have if your audience were encouraged to dual-screen and were given a way to do so more productively than ever. It was this insight, drawn from thousands of corporate events and executive roundtables across topics from workplace culture and board governance, to cybersecurity and technology transformation, that triggered the creation of Superslide.

Adult smartphone users check their phones every 12 minutes; it's a habit (some would say addiction) that's not going anywhere. By providing a positive outlet for the natural tendency we all have to check our phones, dual-screening with Superslide provides a platform for the most productive audience interaction. You can feed into your audience's desire for instant gratification with one-click access to your slides, so they can dig into a topic and share ideas with their colleagues in real-time.
How does Superslide create value from dual-screening?
To present with Superslide means inserting trackable codes into the slides you want your audience to be able to save, reference, and share. In essence, you create slides with superpowers. We call them Superslides.

By encouraging your audience to dual-screen, you're giving them the power to access and harness the information they want, when they want it. Without the pressure of having to remember everything, the hassle of having to go back through a whole presentation, or the need to request access to data later, your audience is engaged immediately.

By giving your audience clear, purposefully designed opportunities to dual-screen for a productive reason, you lessen their opportunity for distraction. Your audience can access and share information they care about, and, at the same time, you gain insights into who is interested in what. Your next best marketing, sales and service actions become clear. In a world where we all want everything now, Superslide gives you, and your audience, it all.

Turning what you thought was a weakness into your next superpower
It's time to reframe your thinking and see dual-screening in a positive light. After all, the benefits that come from encouraging dual-screening for a Superslides event are threefold.

Provide on-demand access to relevant materials and next best offers

Whatever the content your audience wants to know about, they can scan the QR code in the slide and be directed to the information you want them to have — in real-time. They don't have to register or download an app, they simply get the information they want, there and then, boom. Your audience members are impressed; you acquire, or retain, happy customers. It's win-win.

Capture activity and engagement at an individual level

Not only does your audience get what they want, but you understand what it is they want, too. Your event performance report is available immediately after your event and shows you everything you need to know about which audience members engaged on which topics and what actions they took. We break down audience interactions to evaluate their level of interest to help you understand the depth of their engagement. Armed with insight at an individual audience member level, Superslide helps you tailor your event follow-up, to ensure you approach the right person, at the right time, with the right messaging or offer.

Amplify messaging and brand impressions to your audience networks

By encouraging your audience to use their devices to engage, you are expanding your own audience network reach. suppose you have 100 people at your next webinar, and the average 68 engage with you content and half of those share your content with a colleague. And since the information is being shared by a trusted colleague source, the click-through rate can be expected to be much higher than a standard marketing email. Yep, you just increased your content reach by 34%.
So, what's your super slide?
We know people can get distracted if there's too much tech all at once. We know audiences can lose focus if your event is too confusing to follow. That's why Superslide is so simple. Superslide is about engagement, productivity, and a tailored approach to customer acquisition and retention. Dual-screening — for the right reasons — can be a really good thing.

Don't be too quick to discourage it; instead, use it to your, and your audience's benefit. Try dual-screening, and find out; what's your Superslide?

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